Thursday, November 6, 2008

Welcoming Obama

The title is the name of a burger at Pupil's off bessy beach. And this was on their menu three months back when i first saw it. That clearly shows how much his win was expected. So what is all the surprise about? yeah, everyone is fed up with gush anyway. Why bother a clone? and so change is happening. And the change doesn't seem too positive to India anyway. What with gush's nuke deal and the whole of NCR and bangalore shivering over the prospects of hiking the tax rate of off-shoring companies in the US of A. So this is a call for OUR government to resort to change. Before we see a more inflated rupee and an unemployed India. Before it's too late...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

PLZZZZZZZZZ bear with us ---- We will definetely comment tomorrow.